White Slavery in the World of Bilalistan

There are not a lot of images (official or otherwise) related to Lion's Blood. To this day, only the book covers from the hardback editions give some visual representation of how life is for the main characters.

Despite this lack of pictures, there are some real-life examples of individuals of European descent that were enslaved or were indentured servants during the Barbary slave trade. Below are images that I was able to find that help the reader imagine how slavery may have looked in the Old World and, in some situations, Bilalistan.

Note: Some of these images are NSFW.

In real-life, the photograph is that of a merchant from Mecca (right) with a Circassian slave (left). In Bilalistan, I can imagine this as a light-painting of an Afro-Arab government official in the province of New Alexandria with his Frankish slave.

Inside a Carthaginian palace, an Amazigh man shows off his new Etruscan slave to his friends

Somewhere in the Old Maghreb, Arab slave traders present two Yunan (Greek) female slaves to sell

Two slaves, one Yoruban Black and one White from Éire, about to be sold into slavery to an Arab merchant

Egyptian man with his recently purchased Alemanni slave

I have noticed that in the previous paintings, except one, they tend to depict White European women  at their most defenseless: Naked, afraid, and about to be sold into slavery. All three of these depictions combined gives off the indication that they are going to be used for sexual purposes. In real-life, both male and female slaves in the American continents were heavily dehumanized. However, it was far more common for Black women to be raped and forced to produce children. Sometimes, their children were also those of the slave-master. It is more than likely that similar events occur to the slave women in not just Bilalistan, but in Southern Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.


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